“Communication skills are the key to get the success”
It is said that communication is without a doubt a key point to succeed not only in the professional world but also personal. But do you know how is the process of communicating? Could you point the main tools to connect with others satisfactorily? And do you really think that communication skills are the key to get the success professionally and at work?
Huge amounts of money are paid yearly by businessmen and entrepreneurs to improve their effectiveness in communication. The reason I am writing this report is that I want to share with you my knowledge about this subject and make it easier.
Do you really want to know how communication skills are the key to get the success?
Firstly we receive from outside some signals through our senses (smell, taste, view, hearing and touch). These signals are filtered through our lenses and this gives us a perception. However, this perception is modified by our education, experience, social environment, prejudices or biases. But this is not the only process also our brain makes some processes like omission, distortion and generalization. The outcome of all of this is a meaning and this meaning is what I call my reality. My reality is what I say, generally speaking during a conversation.
Regarding communication;
it is also important to understand that we are always communicating. In fact, 70% of the time except when we are sleeping we are communicating with others. But how much time do we spend communicating and how? While Writing and Reading represent 9% and 16% respectively; Listening and Speaking represent 45% and 30%.
Therefore the main difference between communicating and not communicating is being capable of following this sequence: firstly listening to others and secondly speaking using the acronym “VOTE” That means generally speaking with: Vulnerability, Openness, Transparency and Energy.
While you are listening to other people you can understand others points of view. Furthermore, you show other people that you like and respect them.
On the other hand and briefly, these communication skills are the key to get the success:
- Learning and communication styles.
- Calibration
- Rapport
- Active listening.
- Asking powerful questions.
By learning and communication styles;
you can distinguish visual, auditive and kinesthetic people. Visual people are the ones who learn by watching and Reading. Auditive people learn by listening and speaking. And last but not least Kinesthetic people need to be physically involved, by practising and doing exercises. The key point here is you can improve your communication by using others’ communication styles.
By calibration;
we understand the act of observing others. It is also detecting micro-behaviours and expressions of the other person to communicate better.
We can calibrate and create a better atmosphere and communication with the person in front of us by:
- Their gestures,
- The tone of his voice,
- Their body posture,
- The breathing,
- Muscle movements,
- Colour of their skin,
- Predicates and verb forms are used.
By rapport;
we mean to act as a mirror with the other person. In other words, the basic pattern to build rapport is to match. “Match” is the process by which you adjust some aspects of your external behaviour, to the other person like matching the whole body or some parts of the body, some vocal characteristics, verbal communication styles, facial expressions, gestures, repeating the same phrases as the other person, adjust your breathing to the other person, etc.
When two people are in tune, communication seems to flow, they and their words are in harmony. What we say may create or destroy the tune, but that is only 7% of the communication. In communication, body language and tonality represent 93%.
By considering active listening;
your relationships will build and gain confidence at work. In active listening, we care about understanding the other person in different registers like:
- How to pronounce each phrase.
- Learn to capture feelings.
- Verbal language.
- Nonverbal language.
That is why you should not be influenced by physical appearance, prejudices, bias, etc. Do not jump to conclusions very soon, build mental arguments or get distracted by thinking about other things.
By asking questions;
you will be able to:
- Learn
- Build relationships
- Lead and train (coach)
- Avoid misunderstandings
- Defuse a burning situation
- Involve people (create engagement)
When asking (open) questions, we must be open, do them without including tips, formulate them shortly and simply. Remember when asking questions focused on moving forward, questions that frame the situation and open new perspectives. Use questions such as “What else “, to get more information.
In conclusion after reading this report, you could never have thought that communication had been so complex but as far as I am concerned due to my vast professional background, it is only a question of being respectful, open, transparent and vulnerable with others. So easy and so complex at the same time, don’t you?
By the way, if you want to know more secrets about this and other topics that allow you to continue learning and improving, I also invite you to read my book “Traveling together to success”. An available book on Amazon, in which I discover the keys to business and professional success through my own experience.
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If you want it signed and dedicated, write me at and I will send it to you personally (free shipping costs).
Do you want to know more about me?
Javier Giménez Divieso accompanies Professionals, Companies and Teams to improve their results, through Training, Mentoring and Personal Development.
Senior manager with more than twenty years of experience in different national business units. He currently works as an ICF certified Trainer, Mentor, Speaker, Executive Coach and Team.
He is also accredited with the International Certification The Society of NLP in the USA and Dr Richard Bandler, co-creator of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and with training in Ericksonian Hypnosis.
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